Ghostwriting my biography: The Dream Team

In response to The Daily Post's writing prompt: "Ghostwriter." This is an exciting thought since the whole notion of writing a memoir gives me the chills. I would love to have Maya Angelou write my biography. She would add some soul and depth to my life. The tale would seem more like a dance, even... Continue Reading →

Art Journal Entry – Unloading What Stresses Me

I needed some art therapy. I wrote down some of the things that have really been stressing me out. Then I covered it up with paint. Next step is to let creativity take over. No editor. Silence the perfectionist. Just do what you feel. Expressing what I keep trying to tell myself. Here is a... Continue Reading →

Dear Baltimore… if I were mayor…

In response to The Daily Post's writing prompt: "We Built This City." I truly do love my city. I love the good and the bad about this place. You can't really say you love a place (or anyone or anything for that matter) if you don't take the bad as well as the good. We have... Continue Reading →

Finding My Happy Place

In response to The Daily Post's writing prompt: "Places." My face crinkles up when faced with the question "Beach, Mountain, or Forest?". I immediately think of my happy place and how hard it is for me to get there. First you have to go through some mountains. I have never really been hiking so I... Continue Reading →

Why didn’t I study abroad???

In response to The Daily Post's writing prompt: "Study Abroad." Okay, when I read this prompt I began to list all of the places I remember saying I wanted to go when I was planning for college. Then I remembered all of the programs that I looked at while I was in college. Studying abroad... Continue Reading →

The things I never said…

In response to The Daily Post's writing prompt: "Set It To Rights." So this prompt spoke to me rather quickly. Mostly because I am one to let a lot of things slide. I simply don't feel like it is worth the anxiety, anger, and regret that come with confrontation. Most times the confrontation does nothing to... Continue Reading →

Nameless loves…

In response to The Daily Post's writing prompt: "The Name’s The Thing." I recently discovered (well admitted to myself) that I am attached to things. When I think about it all the things I have that I love I realize that since things have been replaced I haven't named them. My car used to have a... Continue Reading →

Going in circles at the Crossroads

There is this place in your life that resembles a crossroads. A spot where all of a sudden you are standing in one spot and have roads going in all different directions surrounding you. Generally you have no idea how on earth you got there. Rarely you can remember the road you were on in... Continue Reading →

Annoying Questions

In response to The Daily Post's writing prompt: "Plead the Fifth." So... I sat and thought all yesterday about questions that I don't like being asked. My friend hates questions about her relationship/family status. Most of those are low blow questions anyway. They don't bother me though. I have no problem telling someone to mind... Continue Reading →

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